Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to an organisation's concern towards the business environment in which it operates. It encompasses projects that are external to the normal business activities of a company. Typically, such projects have a strong developmental approach and they utilise company resources to benefit non-profit organisations and communities.
The PDP Group® is actively involved in CSR activities. The group is associated with foundations such as ‘The Hope Foundation India’, ‘Purbachal Ananda Foundation’, ‘Calcutta Seva Kendra’, etc. These organizations help make society a better place by actively seeking solutions to improve livelihoods of the marginalized sections of society. Our employees regularly visit these foundations and spend time with their residents. We have also organized corporate training sessions for various young adults associated with these foundations.
As part of our #GoGreen initiative, we use renewable solar energy for electricity generation at our ICD in Durgapur. We have also voluntarily planted over 100 trees in and around our ICD in Durgapur. Such activities greatly reduce carbon footprint. Use of single use plastic at any company events has been eradicated since 2019.
We passionately believe that we must do our best to grow sustainably and give back to the society.